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Adult hotel

Simple & Comfortable

Order form meal service

* Please fill out all required fields.

* Salutation

Information and additional information for delivery to your address:

Delivery details:

Requested delivery days


Delivery times
From 11:00 am to 12:15 pm
We try to consider the delivery times as far as possible. Due to the high demand, the delivery time depends heavily on the daily trip schedule or the number of meals ordered. Thank you for your understanding. We will inform you about changes in delivery times at an early stage in the morning.


* Portions
* Soup
* Fish

Important informations!
You can tell your orders or changes daily, but not later than 9:00 am on the delivery day. You will find a menu plan and further information on the flyer or on the Internet. By submitting this form, you are bindingly sign up for our meal service.
A copy of this form will also be sent to the above-mentioned address.

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